πŸ”°Member Commands

A list of commands that are automatically given to all players in the default configuration.

This page lists up commands available to all players by default. All of these commands are provided through at.member.*.

<> indicate mandatory arguments, whilst [] indicate optional arguments.


Usage: /tpa <Player Name> Description: Sends a teleportation request to another player, asking to teleport to the player's location. Permission: at.member.tpa Arguments:

  • <Player Name> - the name of the player to be teleported to.


Usage: /tpahere <Player Name> Description: Sends a teleportation request to another player, asking the player to teleport to them. Permission: at.member.here Arguments:

  • <Player Name> - the name of the player to be teleported to the sender.


Usage: /tpcancel [Player Name] Description: Cancels a previously sent teleport request. Permission: at.member.cancel Arguments:

  • [Player Name] - the name of the player whose request to is being cancelled.


Usage: /tpayes [Player Name] Description: Accepts a specified teleport request. Permission: at.member.yes Aliases: /tpaccept, /tpyes Arguments:

  • [Player Name] - the name of the player whose request is being accepted.


Usage: /tpano [Player Name] Description: Denies a specified teleport request. Permission: at.member.no Aliases: /tpdeny, /tpno Arguments:

  • [Player Name] - the name of the player whose request is being denied.


Usage: /tpblock <Player Name> Description: Blocks a specified player from sending teleport requests to you. Permission: at.member.block Arguments:

  • <Player Name> - the name of the player to be blocked.


Usage: /tpunblock <Player Name> Description: Unblocks a specified player, allowing them to send teleport requests to you again. Permission: at.member.unblock Arguments:

  • <Player Name> - the name of the player to be unblocked.


Usage: /tpalist [Page Number] Description: Lists pending teleport requests directed to you. Permission: at.member.tpalist Arguments:

  • [Page Number] - the page number of TPA requests to be shown.


Usage: /toggletp [Player Name] Description: Lets you switch between receiving TP requests or blocking them. Permission: at.member.toggletp Argument:

  • [Player Name] - The player to have their teleportation toggled, requires the permission at.admin.toggletp


Usage: /tpon Description: Lets you receive TP requests. Permission: at.member.on


Usage: /tpoff Description: Stops you receiving teleport requests. Permission: at.member.off


Usage: /rtp [World Name] [Player Name] Description: Teleports you, or a specified player, to a random location in either the given world, the world they are currently in or the first world in the whitelist should it be enabled. Permission: at.member.tpr Aliases: /tpr Arguments:

  • [World Name] - The name of the world that /rtp is to be used in. Requires at.member.tpr.other.

  • [Player Name] - The name of the player to be randomly teleported. Requires a world name to be specified in front. Also requires the sender to have the permission at.admin.tpr.other.


Usage: /warp <Warp Name> Description: Teleports you to a specified warp. Permission: at.member.warp Arguments:

  • <Warp Name> - The name of the warp to be teleported to.


Usage: /warps Description: Either opens up a GUI or sends the player a list of warps, depending on what is specified in the config. Permission: at.member.warps


Usage: /spawn [ID] Description: Teleports you to your world's spawnpoint or the spawnpoint with the specified ID. Permission: at.member.spawn Arguments:

  • [ID] - The ID of the spawn to be teleported to.


Usage: /home [Home Name|Player Name] [Home Name] Description: Teleports you to your specified home point or your main home if no home is specified. Permission: at.member.home Arguments:

  • [Home Name] - The name of the home to be teleported to.

  • [Player Name] - The name of the player whose homes are to be teleported to and will replace the first [Home Name] argument when it is able to. Must have a home specified after it and the sender must have the permission at.admin.home. (Example: /home Thatsmusic99 chicken-nuggies)


Usage: /homes [Player Name] Description: Sends a list of homes to the user. Permission: at.member.homes Arguments:

  • [Player Name] - The name of the player to have their homes listed. Must have the permission at.admin.homes.


Usage: /sethome <Home Name>|(<Player Name> <Home Name>) Description: Sets a home for either yourself or a specified player at your current location. Permission: at.member.sethome Arguments:

  • <Home Name> - The name of the home to be set.

  • <Player Name> - The name of the player to have a home set for them. Must have a home name specified after it and must have the permission at.admin.sethome.


Usage: /delhome <Home Name>|(<Player Name> <Home Name>) Description: Deletes one of your own homes or another player's home. Permission: at.member.delhome Arguments:

  • <Home Name> - The name of the home to be deleted.

  • <Player Name> - The name of the player to have their home deleted. Must have a home name specified after it and must have the permission at.admin.delhome.


Usage: /movehome <Home Name>|(<Player Name> <Home Name>) Description: Moves either one of your own homes or another player's home. Permission: at.member.movehome Arguments:

  • <Home Name> - The name of the home to be moved.

  • <Player Name> - The name of the player to have their home moved. Must have a home name specified after it and must have the permission at.admin.movehome.


Usage: /setmainhome <Home Name>|(<Player Name> <Home Name>) Description: Sets your own or another player's main home. If the home name specified does not represent an existing home, one will be set. Permission: at.member.setmainhome Arguments:

  • <Home Name> - The name of the home to be considered the player's main home.

  • <Player Name> - The name of the player to have a main home set. Must have a home name specified after it and must have the permission at.member.setmainhome.


Usage: /back Description: Returns you to your previous location. Permission: at.member.back

/at info

Usage: /at info Description: Shows the majority of plugin information, such as version. Permission: at.member.core.info

/at help

Usage: /at help [Category]|[Page Number] Description: Shows the help menu for commands depending on the section specified. Permission: at.member.core.help Arguments:

  • [Category] - A category of which includes any of the following: Teleport, Warps, Spawn, RandomTP, Homes and Admin. Extra commands are provided with the permission at.admin.help.

  • [Page Number] - The page in the help menu to check.

Last updated

Change request #35: Wiki Overhaul