✈️Random Teleportation

Covers random teleportation options and settings.

In AdvancedTeleport, random teleportation is flexible and robust to allow it to adapt to different use cases. It is enabled by the use-randomtp option in the config.yml file.

use-randomtp: true


Random Teleportation only has one command dedicated to it.

Basic Usage

For the majority of players, using /tpr only involves using the command itself to be sent to a random location in the world. In that case, only the permission at.member.tpr is required for use.

In order to use /tpr [World] to randomly teleport into another world, the player needs permission at.member.tpr.other.

Admin Usage

Administrators have a bit more leeway with the command, or even players themselves depending on how you set up permissions.

If an admin has the permission at.admin.tpr.other, they are able to teleport other players to different worlds using /tpr [World] [Player].

This does not override restrictions on whitelisted worlds


You can set boundaries in worlds to stop players from exceeding defined limits and generating too much of the world.


In v5, there are four options to set for boundaries via the plugin, and these boundaries cannot be per-world without the use of alternative borders. By default, the options are as follows:

maximum-x: 5000
maximum-z: 5000
minimum-x: -5000
minimum-z: -5000

This means that players that use /tpr (unless being handled by the alternative borders) will not be teleported outside of 5000x, ~y, 5000z to -5000x, ~y, -5000z. They have a square radius of 5000.


In v6, the system is a bit different, since it supports differing borders in different worlds.

Alternative Borders

AdvancedTeleport has the capabilities to let other plugins or systems decide the border that RTP is limited to, with this feature being available to both v5 and v6.

Rapid Response (Prepared Locations)

Rapid Response allows AT to prepare random teleportation locations in advance before the command is run by players. This means when players run /tpr, they can be immediately teleported rather than have to wait for the plugin to find a location.

This feature is only available on Paper and its forks due to performance concerns.

To enable Rapid Response, just set use-rapid-response to true in the config.yml file under the RandomTP section. This is often enabled by default regardless.

use-rapid-response: true

Prepared Locations Limit

The prepared-locations-limit option defines the number of locations that get prepared in each world. The default limit is 3.

prepared-locations-limit: 3

World Whitelisting

If you have a lobby world but want players to only randomly teleport in given worlds, then you are able to redirect players to those worlds easily.

If you are an administrator on the server or OPed, you may automatically bypass these restrictions with the permission at.admin.rtp.bypass-world. If you do not want this behaviour, you have to negate the permission.

For example, let's say you have the following worlds:

  • lobby - where players first spawn.

  • survival - where you want players to RTP in.

  • survival_nether - the Nether world for the survival world.

And we only want players to use /rtp in the survival world, but also want players to use /tpr in the lobby world to go to survival. This is possible in AdvancedTeleport.

If whitelist-worlds is enabled, then the plugin automatically locks the use of /tpr to the specified worlds in the allowed-worlds list.

whitelist-worlds: true
- survival

If we enable redirect-to-whitelisted-worlds too, then using /tpr in lobby and survival_nether would redirect players to survival.

redirect-to-whitelisted-worlds: true

Ignored World Generators

Location Requirements

There are location requirement options that stop players from being teleported to less than ideal locations, such as the middle of the ocean. It is more efficient to check biomes than individual blocks.

The biomes to avoid are listed in the avoid-biomes option, and biomes you can add are available here.


For individual blocks, the avoid-blocks option is used.


Random teleportation is a difficult feature to master in plugins, and it was no different for AdvancedTeleport. However, like most plugins, there will be a significant performance impact on the server if it is not set up for random teleportation.

For the unaware, when the /tpr command is used, it will pick a random set of coordinates, load the chunks at those coordinates and verify that the location is suitable for teleportation. However, if the chunks have not been generated, then the server will do that too, and it can cause considerable lag on the server.

Here's some ways to help you optimise Random Teleportation for AdvancedTeleport on your server.


Using Paper as your server type instead of Spigot is generally the best way to start.

AdvancedTeleport takes advantage of Paper's asynchronous chunk loading and teleportation features, meaning that chunk loading and teleportation should not have an impact on the rest of the server.

Rapid Response

If you're on Paper, you can also enable the Rapid Response feature, so that locations are prepared in advance. The locations picked in advance also generate any chunks at a low priority, unlike at a high priority if a location has to be picked as soon as the player runs the command.


If you've exhausted these options but still haven't had much luck optimising the feature, you will have to try pre-generating the map.


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